
Absence Procedures

  1. When a student is absent from school, parents should call the attendance office at (650) 638-8306 (English) or (650) 638-8601 (Spanish) before 9:00 am to report the absence. After two unexcused absences or cuts, students will be assigned detention, and further unexcused absences or cuts could lead to progressive discipline. This may also result in referral to the Student Attendance Review Board for both students and parelass, with all necessary materials, by the time the second bell rings. Any tardiness beyond the second instance will lead to detention and a loss of privileges. If tardiness continues, both the student and parent may be referred to the Student Attendance Review Board.
  2. When students are leaving school, they must always be signed out at the office by a parent/legal guardian or an adult listed on their emergency card. Students will only be released to individuals who are either parents/legal guardians or adults listed on the emergency card. In cases where students have a note granting them permission to see a nearby doctor, dentist, orthodontist, or counselor for a scheduled appointment, they are also required to sign out at the front office.

  3. For extended absences lasting between 5-10 days, kindly work directly with your student's teachers to coordinate homework and assignments. You should also apply for short-term independent study using the provided English or Spanish forms. If necessary, your student's counselor or the school's Attendance Clerk can offer assistance. Furthermore, you may access homework and assignments through teacher sites in Schoology/PowerSchool, although it's important to note that not all teachers make use of this function.

  4. Should your child be absent on the day of a school dance, athletic contest, or any other school function/activity, they will unfortunately not be able to attend. In the event of a partial absence, it's important to note that students must participate in a minimum of four (4) full periods to be considered "in attendance."

Regular Attendance

Regular attendance plays a crucial role in students' academic success. Frequent absences deny students valuable social interaction and direct teacher instruction, despite the possibility of making up written work as outlined in the CA Education Code. Every absence, regardless of duration, represents a missed learning chance. Additional impacts of irregular attendance encompass:

  • Even missing just a day or two sporadically can lead to rapid academic setbacks.
  • Tardiness during early grades may foreshadow poor attendance habits later on.
  • Classroom progress can be hindered if teachers must slow down to aid absent students in catching up.
  • Schools face reduced funding for every absence, regardless of its nature, including excused ones. Funding is not received by schools for any type of absence, even if it's excused. This regulation became effective in 1998. Each absence, whether excused or not, signifies a loss of both financial resources and instructional possibilities, without any reimbursement.

Students are accountable for consistent and punctual class attendance. Those with excessive absences or tardies risk exclusion from school activities and privileges, such as assemblies, sports, dances, and field trips. Please note: The dance exclusion policy resets after each dance event.

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